camille vasquez

Law professor targets Johnny Depp’s attorney Camille Vasquez in ‘offensive’ tweets

Law professor targets Johnny Depp’s attorney Camille Vasquez in ‘offensive’ tweets
Law professor targets Johnny Depp’s attorney Camille Vasquez in ‘offensive’ tweets
Law professor targets Johnny Depp’s attorney Camille Vasquez in ‘offensive’ tweets

Internet is bashing a well known law professor for writing “offensive and disparaging” tweets about Johnny Depp’s lawyer, Camille Vasquez.

According to New York Post report, a Stanford law professor Michele Dauber took to Twitter last Thursday and shared a screenshot of Vasquez and accusing the superstar attorney of “sucking up to male power.”

He further continued, “Of all the women who suck up to male power, women lawyers are the absolute worst of the bunch.”

“Desperate to prove they are ‘real lawyers’ and understanding that being a woman undermines their identity as lawyers, they throw women under the bus as hard and fast as they can,” Dauber wrote.

The law professor was bashed for her harsh words about Vasquez. Reacting to his tweets, one follower wrote, “If your son was falsely accused of domestic violence, I bet you would love for that woman to help vindicate him.”

Dauber subsequently snapped back and replied, “If my son was accused of DV [domestic violence] he would have a lot more to worry about than some Pick Me Girl lawyer. But that isn’t going to happen because

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Hollywood, law firms battling to hire Camille Vasquez after Johnny Depp trial

Hollywood, law firms battling to hire Camille Vasquez after Johnny Depp trial

Johnny Depp’s lawyer Camille Vasquez has been flooded with offers from Hollywood and is at the center of an ongoing bidding war between law firms that want her on their team following her victorious performance in the actor’s trial, sources told The Post.

The tough-as-nails attorney, 37, became a star in her own right in the drawn-out defamation trial — sparring with Amber Heard during intense and sometimes vicious cross-examination and becoming a darling among Depp fans.

Industry sources say doors are opening for Vasquez — it’s just a matter of which one she chooses.

“Talent agents are circling Camille because they recognize that she is the unicorn — a smart, savvy, poised attorney whose impactful performance during the trial propelled her to a rare level of visibility,” a source said. “And the fact that she is a woman of color is an added bonus.” 

Vasquez and her colleagues successfully convinced the jury that Heard defamed Depp on all three counts brought against the actress for writing in a 2018 Washington Post op-ed that she was “a public figure representing domestic abuse.”

Hollywood, law firms battling to hire Camille Vasquez after Johnny Depp trial
Camille Vasquez is an associate at high-profile law firm Brown Rudnick.
Getty Images/Ron Sachs

Since the trial

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