criminal justice

Endorsement: Hydee Feldstein Soto for Los Angeles city attorney

For their next city attorney, Los Angeles voters will choose between two outsiders with very different legal backgrounds and different ideas of how to serve as the city’s lawyer.

Neither Faisal Gill, who took the lead in the June primary, nor second-place finisher Hydee Feldstein Soto have worked in City Hall or held political office in Los Angeles. That’s somewhat unusual. The city attorney’s office has often been seen by politicians as another rung on the ladder to higher office, including mayor, even though it’s an underappreciated and often-misunderstood position.

In the primary, we recommended Feldstein Soto as the best candidate because she would bring deep legal expertise and independence to the job. And we still think she is the right choice in the Nov. 8 general election.

Feldstein Soto was a partner in corporate law firms with specialties in bankruptcy and acquisitions. It was complex work that required collaboration and problem-solving to finalize deals, which is good training for city government. She managed teams of lawyers with different specialties, much like the city attorney’s office of 500-plus lawyers.

Unlike the county’s district attorney, which is primarily a prosecutorial role, the city attorney wears many hats that require

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Boudin opponent named to replace him as San Francisco district attorney

Boudin was recalled during California’s June 7 primary election with 55% of voters choosing to remove him amid claims that his progressive agenda was leading to uninhibited crime levels.

San Francisco Mayor London Breed announced Jenkins’ appointment at a Thursday evening news conference. Jenkins will serve as the district attorney until November, when she will run as a candidate in a special election to decide who will fill Boudin’s term through 2023, the mayor’s office said.

“I have no doubt that the person who is going to strike that balance and work with me and members of the board and members of our public safety teams and develop good relationships in order to bring about justice in this city in a fair and diplomatic way is no other than the next district attorney for the city and county of San Francisco, Brooke Jenkins,” Breed said.

Jenkins said that this is a moment to “take back our streets,” and that violent and repeat offenders will “no longer be allowed to victimize our city without consequence.”

“San Franciscans do not feel safe and concerns surrounding public safety have become their number one concern,” Jenkins said at the news conference. “The paramount

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Viewpoint: What kind of deal is attorney Billy Gibbens cutting for DA Jason Williams?

Viewpoint: What kind of deal is attorney Billy Gibbens cutting for DA Jason Williams?
Viewpoint: What kind of deal is attorney Billy Gibbens cutting for DA Jason Williams?

Danae Columbus

Jason Williams completes the paperwork to run for district attorney in 2019. He was elected on promises to reform the criminal justice system.

With District Attorney Jason Williams’ tax fraud trial scheduled to start in six weeks, now is the time that a seasoned defense attorney like Billy Gibbens would be putting the final touches on the best deal he could strike for his client, in this case Williams. Williams and his former law partner Nicole Burdett are charged with trying to inflate $700,000 in tax write-offs between 2013 and 2017.

Though the attorneys at Tuesday’s pretrial hearing said they were “ready for trial,” they could have meant that federal prosecutors are not yet ready to announce the terms of any agreement.

The best deal Gibbens could hope for probably involves Williams pleading guilty to one or two counts and receiving a suspended sentence with house arrest and a big fat fine. In that scenario, Williams would also forfeit his law license and be removed from office. After three years, Williams could ask the Louisiana Supreme Court to reinstate his law license and, if successful, practice civil law. Williams has already begun accepting civil cases at his private

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