legal action

When Should a Small Business Owner File for Bankruptcy?

When Should a Small Business Owner File for Bankruptcy?

For small business owners, the decision to file for bankruptcy is often scary, stressful, and intimidating. It’s a critical choice that can have far-reaching implications for both the business and the personal lives of the owners and any employees who work for the business. Sometimes, it’s 100 percent the right choice. But it all depends on how you approach it. 

Understanding the Truth of Bankruptcy

First off, let’s tackle the stigma. Bankruptcy often comes with a shadow of failure, but in reality, it’s a legal tool designed to provide a fresh start. It’s about making a strategic choice to protect what can be saved and to rebuild on a more solid foundation.

As bankruptcy attorney Rowdy G. Williams explains, “We need to get over the notion that bankruptcy is embarrassing or a black mark on who you are as a person. Bankruptcy is a legal and ethical tool that exists to help people escape bad financial situations. See it as a tool – not a mistake.”

When you see bankruptcy as a tool – much like debt can be a tool – it starts to open you

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Lawyer for Indiana abortion doctor warns of legal action against those who ‘smeared’ client

An attorney for Dr. Caitlin Bernard has threatened legal action against those who “smeared” her client, insisting the Indianapolis physician complied with the law in treating a 10-year-old Ohio girl who traveled to Indiana for an abortion.

Attorney Kathleen DeLaney said that her client “took every appropriate and proper action in accordance with the law and both her medical and ethical training as a physician.”

“She followed all relevant policies, procedures, and regulations in this case, just as she does every day to provide the best possible care for her patients,” Ms. DeLaney said in a Thursday statement. “She has not violated any law, including patient privacy laws, and she has not been disciplined by her employer. We are considering legal action against those who have smeared my client, including Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita, and know that the facts will all come out in due time.”

Mr. Rokita launched an investigation Wednesday into whether Dr. Bernard complied with reporting laws on child abuse after she told the Indianapolis Star in a July 1 article that she treated a pregnant 10-year-old. The case has become a flashpoint on abortion access since the fall of Roe v. Wade in a Supreme

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