New abortion laws could see many women, doctors face criminal charges
rights, protest Supreme Court","hlsURL":",720p_30fps,480p_30fps,master.m3u8?subtitles=9782679002","id":"9782679002","image":"url":"","opto":true,"initialPublishDate":"2022-05-15T01:13:28Z","keywords":"Abortion,Video Syndication – USAT,Video Syndication – OTT Platforms,Roe v. Wade,Supreme Court of the United States,Samuel Alito,Brett Kavanaugh,Amy Coney Barrett,Protests and Protesting","mp4URL":"","origin":"USA TODAY","pageURL":"long":"","promoBrief":"In cities across America, abortion-rights advocates gathered to protest the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade.","propertyName":"USATODAY","publishDate":"2022-05-15T01:13:28Z","series":"","ssts":"section":"news","subsection":"","topic":"","subtopic":"","tags":["id":"24f9451b-006f-4dbb-be0a-d1379e7a8e83","name":"Abortion","id":"6f55135f-3b5e-490d-8a52-a3b8e1f11ee7","name":"Video Syndication – USAT","id":"16fe9f9b-4247-4e2e-a73c-9fac5b14d01b","name":"Video Syndication – OTT Platforms","id":"62c84ab2-fe3f-4420-ba35-615668774456","name":"Roe v. Wade","id":"a173914f-749b-454a-81ed-e37783d9c6f6","name":"Supreme Court of the United States","id":"1ce3e265-f604-4fbb-9e15-2e0be2c0f311","name":"Samuel Alito","id":"daf7f778-855c-4ece-9606-23d8137c77f9","name":"Brett Kavanaugh","id":"3d77fd6e-f13b-4e22-a192-377e266cb140","name":"Amy Coney Barrett","id":"423c0ee1-3844-49b6-a9aa-b5ab0ef6d370","name":"Protests and Protesting"],"title":"Abortion-rights advocates gather nationwide to protest Supreme Court","url":"/videos/news/2022/05/15/abortion-rights-advocates-gather-nationwide-protest-supreme-court/9782679002/"” aria-label=”Play video”
Period tracking apps, tele-health appointments, mail-in pharmacy requests and other data could be used as evidence in criminal cases for those involved in abortions, experts said.
States that have already passed laws redefining “personhood” to include an unborn child may mean people who seek out abortions or anyone helping them could face charges of feticide or aggravated assault, among other charges.
o date, more than 80 elected district attorneys and attorneys generals around the country, including in red states, have committed to using their discretion to not charge individuals or those who help them in ending a pregnancy should federal abortion rights be overturned.
MADISON, Wis. — WEA Trust and the Health Tradition Health Plan are getting out of Wisconsin’s health insurance market by the end of the year.
trust-and-health-tradition-health-plan-to-exit-wisconsin-health-insurance-market”In a news release Wednesday, the groups said existing plan members will be covered until they choose new coverage or until December 31, whichever is earlier. WEA Trust will continue members’ long term care, life and vision coverage.
“The challenges related to healthcare consolidation, the costs associated with the global pandemic, and the drop in the stock market have made it difficult for local, not-for-profit organizations like ours who seek to provide families with high value personal care,” Vaughn Vance, the groups’ president and CEO, said in the release. “It became clear that we had to make the difficult decision to pivot as an organization before we sacrificed what has made WEA Trust unique for many years.”
Employees will be let go in a phased approach, with each receiving a severance package and at least 60 days of notice. According to a notice filed Wednesday with the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, 110 employees will be laid off on August 1